Thursday, October 29, 2009


Wahaha!!! I know this show is abit old liao.. but~~~ I just chiong finish the last few episode of
<< 溏心风暴Ⅱ家好月圆>>.. .Lazy to everyday trying to catch the show on cable tv... Got better things to do.. The show is Damn zai.. didnt know it was so zai.. HK Serial is SO SO SO much better than local serial where I can actually predict the whole plot of the show as its all repeated and repeated.. BUCK UP Singapore Serial Writer!!
My My!! Time to sleep liao.. 2am lo... BYE!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Remembering then...

Lets start off with something damn cute!!!

Found this off facebook.. just find this girl damn cute =) Esp when she rolls her eyes with her hand gesture.. Classic "WHATEVER".. Thank you squissymussy87 for uploading this cute video.. Webby link is:

Right, today i was sleeping on the bus omw home when i was rudely awaken by a spoilt kid crying and shouting loudly at the back of the bus.. If you wana noe how loud.. Imagine my ear being plugged by my earpiece and yet I still find it loud.. Anyway, his granny was at his side and like trying to ask him not to make a scene on the bus.. But he still kept on doing it.. Hmm.. are kids today worse off than kids from the 80's or early 90's even though they have a more well-doing family and more educated parents?

Remembering the times when i was a kid.. I was taught that whenever we board a bus or are in a public area, we are supposed to behave ourselves.. Sit on the bus means sit on the bus.. No standing around.. No playing with bars like some monkey bars etc.. If we dont, we are in for a "treat" when we reach home.. But looking at how parents teach their kids today is saddening.. Kids running up and down the bus walkway.. Playing monkey bars.. Climbing here and there.. Bet that all of you would have seen these incdents.. Read off the papers once that a heated argument actually occured btw a mother and a passerby (something like that, cant realli recall exactly).. Reason? A kid was doing something wrong and the passerby happen to "lecture" the kid as to not to do so.. The mother actually said that the passerby is in the wrong coz his kid is still... well.. a kid and that they can do whatever they want.. The mother didnt even felt embrassed by her kid's wrong-doing and actually argued with the passer-by for scolding her kid.. If this were to happen in the past, parents would alr hv apologise and gave the kid a serious talking..

Every Sun is a "WHOLE FAMILY" day for me where all my relatives will gather at my grandma's hse though she's no longer with us.. Looking at all my younger cousins today really proved my point above.. Remembering back when my older bro and me were still kids, we would always pester our parents to let us out to the front courtyard to cycle, play sparklers or even go to the garden to dig for earthworms.. NOW? All my younger cousins rather stay indoors with their hand-held games.. You could even talk to them w/o them realising you are speaking to them..

To add on to that, they even need their parents to feed them dinner WHILE they are playing with their handhelds.. If they walk around, their parents would also nida follow them around.. Where are the canes and scoldings that my bro and I suffered whenever we do not sit down properly to have our dinner.. Some of my cousins even dare to make funny faces when I asked them to sit down properly to finish their dinner before they play their hand-helds..

I might be stereotyping.. But it is actually happenening everywhere.. Can you imagine a parent bringing and fetching their kids to and from school everyday w/o fail even though they are like no longer in lower primary? I have always scolded my younger bro for asking my dad to pick him up after his swimming lesson at Yiochukang complex @ 8pm.. YCK complex is just a bus svc 13 away from my hse.. The travel time wun even hit 20mins..Kids today are so well-protected and spoilt by their parents.. One slight scolding from teacher in school they complain to their parents.. Nxt day, parents in school questioning the teacher.. Where are the days where parents leave the teachers to do what they do best - Teaching and Nurturing the Young - w/o interfering for minor incidents where the kids are actually and mostly at fault? Points taken?

Not sure if anyone out there would agree with me but these are my thought, my space to write down what I feel.. Sg is a "liberal" and "open" country where we have rights of expressing one's view.. But "BIG BROTHER" is always on the watch.. In events where people get offended from my entries, pls do not take it to heart..

Signing off.. Tk care all and have a great day tomorrow.. (^o^)

PS: The toilet is seriously a good place to think.. Period..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

2 Guys, 1 Cup?

20th Sep 2009

Two guys, 1 Cup? haha.. Caught red-handed.. Went to Ministry of Food at Suntec to have lunch with the gang.. Reasons? YC is returning to England to study again liao.. Oh well, holidays are short lived.. So gotta enjoy while we can..

After lunch, went back to my hse for mahjong and soccer.. MAN UTD VS MAN CITY!!! Wah, the match freaking exciting.. Filled with lousy goalkeeping by Ben "Clumsy" Foster.. a brace from Fletcher =D and the wonder goal from Michael "Glass" Owen way way Way into stoppage time.. But mr glassy is currently injured again..

28th Sep 2009

Sent my bro off to Japan.. Overseas attachment to Tokyo for 2mths.. Haiz, honestly speaking.. I should be the one flying off instead of him.. If only i did not make the choice of gg to Poly.. Had really been thinking lately.. If I had decided to take a bank loan to go to SIM, would i be like tt now? If I had decided to take a bank loan and fly to Swiss to take up the degree course for HTM, would i be like tt now?

Im infamous for making poor decisions when the time for decision-making comes.. Always make the decision and den will regret it later.. The whole reason y im thinking like tt now is coz friends ard me are graduating with a DEGREE and working for work now.. N me??? Still sem 1.1 in a DIPLOMA course which will not land me a high paycheck when i graduate.. Even told my parents that i might not be gg to uni after i graduate.. What the hell am i thinking?